Detoxifying starts with our health—ridding our bodies of poisons. As many are discovering, health starts with eating the foods God made the way God made them. Our bodies were designed to use raw fruits and vegetables as fuel - full of pure water, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and the energy of life. Just like our cars, without the proper fuel, over time our bodies will stop working the way they are supposed to. Even after the symptoms of disease set in, the body has the amazing ability to heal itself when we give it the raw materials it needs and stop poisoning it with chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, hormones, steroids, and antibiotics – the foods most people eat at each meal. When we eat raw, organically grown foods, we can live energetic, vibrant lives. If we want to return to health, we need to detoxify and return to the raw fruits and vegetables that were given to us in the beginning.