Saturday, August 12, 2006


Detoxifying starts with our health—ridding our bodies of poisons. As many are discovering, health starts with eating the foods God made the way God made them. Our bodies were designed to use raw fruits and vegetables as fuel - full of pure water, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and the energy of life. Just like our cars, without the proper fuel, over time our bodies will stop working the way they are supposed to. Even after the symptoms of disease set in, the body has the amazing ability to heal itself when we give it the raw materials it needs and stop poisoning it with chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, hormones, steroids, and antibiotics – the foods most people eat at each meal. When we eat raw, organically grown foods, we can live energetic, vibrant lives. If we want to return to health, we need to detoxify and return to the raw fruits and vegetables that were given to us in the beginning.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


"There are two important days in a woman's life-the day she is born and the day she finds out why." Elaine Cannon

We are so stressed with trying to live our lives that we are not able to live. We get up before we are finished sleeping, we rush to work and wish all day that we were someplace else. Like the hamster in the wheel, we are running to get nowhere. The hamster at least gets some exercise—we on the other hand only get more stressed. Burnt out from life’s struggles. We get halfway through life and start to wonder why we are here. We are so busy thinking about what we need to accomplish and what we didn’t accomplish yesterday that we have no real time to think about ourselves—not in a selfish way, but in a way that will create a whole and complete human being—spirit and all.

Stress is a toxin that poisons the mind (mental), body (physical), and the spirit (being). With toxins throughout your entire being there is no way you can know who you are or what you are here for. There is no time for self-examination because the mind is so full of “stuff” that you just “have to get done”.

We were not created to live a life full of stress doing things that do not give us fulfillment and create joy.

* The above picture is of the Quartz Mountain Resort Arts & Conference Center in Altus, OK, taken 10/3/2008 by my husband Scottie on our 5th wedding anniversary.

Minnie Patmon-McLaurin